<< WIN South river Webdrive 9.16.2385
South river Webdrive 9.16.2385
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Category Applications
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 17.74 MB
Website http://www.webdrive.com/products/webdrive/index.html
Sender gekkehenkie1957
Searchengine Search
Number of spamreports 0

Post Description

Forumverzoek .

WebDrive is more than just an FTP Client.
Unlike a typical FTP client, WebDrive allows you to open and edit server-based files without the additional step of downloading the file. Using a simple wizard, you assign a network drive letter to the FTP Server. By connecting through a virtual drive, there is no need to learn a separate FTP client interface. You access and edit files on the server the same way that you interact with files on your local PC.

WebDrive is the only FTP Client that supports additional protocols such as WebDAV, SFTP and Amazon S3 and maps a drive letter to each of these servers. Please select the type of computer below to get more information and a free trial of the WebDrive FTP Client.

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