<< MP3 -=Doom=- Whelm-A Gaze Blank and Pitiless As the Sun-2015-GRAVEWISH
-=Doom=- Whelm-A Gaze Blank and Pitiless As the Sun-2015-GRAVEWISH
Category Sound
Date 9 years, 3 days
Size 118.42 MB
Spotted with Spotnet
Website http://www.metal-archives.com/bands/Whelm/19723
Sender ZwaarMetaal (hW7f3g)                
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Post Description

ßÛ°    °Û²
° ÛÛ ÛÛ Artist: Whelm ÛÛ ÛÛ
² Û°° þÛ Album: A Gaze Blank and Pitiless as The Sun Ûþ °°Û
þ Û²ß Û Year: 2015 Û ß²Û °
Û ² Rel. Date: 2016-02-28 ² Û
± ± Genre: Metal ± ±
ÛÜ ° Label: Aesthetic Death Records ° ÜÛ
° ÛÜ ° Source: CD ° ÜÛ
° Û² Type: Album ²Û °
² Û Quality: VBR, 44.1kHz, Joint Stereo Û ° ²
² Û Û ° ²
Ü þ þ ² þ
°Û Û° ß
Û If you’ve had to drag any boulders uphill lately, Û
Û here is Whelm with your soundtrack. At first, I Û
Û wasn’t sure how much I would like 'A Gaze Blank Û
Û and Pitiless as the Sun'. But while the opening Û
Û two songs are solid if unremarkable soundscape Û
Û sludge, Whelm has more cards in hand than is Û
Û immediately evident. Starting with “From the Û
Û Trenches of Perception”, continual layers of added Û
Û spice elevate the album into a memorable delight Û
Û of wretchedness. 'Gaze' proves to be an Û
Û impressively wide-ranging, windswept feast for the Û
Û ears. Û
Û As indicated by the title and album art, this is Û
Û metal I would listen to in the miserable, Û
Û oppressive heat of summer. Walls of harsh, Û
Û overdriven guitars rise on all sides like a Û
Û blinding desert wind, then withdraw, leaving me Û
Û feeling that the storm hasn’t calmed, just off in Û
Û the distance for a moment. All members of Whelm Û
Û contribute their distinct voices, and the Û
Û juxtaposition of several vocal lines in tandem Û
Û sometimes suggests dialogue rather than monologue. Û
Û The sound palette is fairly extensive, letting Û
Û Whelm give the listener more harmony and Û
Û dissonance with each cycle of motif, these often Û
Û being delivered via a simple color-tone shift. Û
Û Like the action-on-every-page of Joseph Heller's Û
Û novel Catch-22, Whelm never lessened their grip on Û
Û my attention. Û
Û I especially welcomed the far-east influence that Û
Û unexpectedly appears late in the album. These Û
Û pieces combine with the panoramic doom environment Û
Û to create an almost cinematic effect. It also Û
Û helps give the album a sense of travel, beginning Û
Û in one place and ending somewhere else. Û
Û Fans of Unearthly Trance, Woods of Ypres, and My Û
Û Dying Bride's early 2000s albums would do well to Û
Û put 'A Gaze Blank and Pitiless as the Sun' on the Û
Û headphones. Walk through narrow, deserted city Û
Û streets out onto overgrown fields and hills, and Û
Û let this album open up and swallow you into its Û
Û maw. Û
² ²
± ±
° 1. Tann Døkka Jørð 2:23 °
° 2. The Brazen Bull 4:40 °
° 3. From the Trenches of Perception 7:30 °
° 4. Perpetual Blindness 5:14 °
° 5. Delphine la Laurie 12:05 °
° 6. The Wrecked Orchestra 2:24 °
° 7. Ghosts in the Undergrowth 8:44 °
° 8. Event Horizon 11:54 °
° 54:54 °
° ±

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