<< ePub Disney - the monkey""s uncle (Engelstalig)
Disney - the monkey""s uncle (Engelstalig)
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Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Disney - the monkey"s uncle (Engelstalig)

At last...the best of Sunday Night TV is back! it"s the legendary TV show that"s been popular with audiences for decades, and the longest running weekly prime-time series in television history. The Winner of numerous awards, including seven Emmys, it"s The wonderful world of Disney!

You"ll go ape over the classic fun and wild escapades in this madcap sequel to Disney"s The Misadventures Of merlin Jones. Annett Funicello and The Beach Boys kick off more fun than a barrel of teenagers singing the title song penned by the legendary Sherman Brothers. Then college whiz-kid Merlin (Tommy Kirk) reluctantly goes to work to prevent the school"s football mascot from disappearing into oblivion. A $10 million endowment for the campus is riding on whether he can get a man to fly under his own steam. It"s family fare on the hilarious side when The Monkey"s Uncle raises havoc and millions of smiles!

Languages : Dolby Digital 2.0 English
Subtitles : English for the hearing impaired
Fullscreen (1.33:1)
Running Time: approx. 92 min.

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