<< WIN Isadora 1.3.0f.24
Isadora 1.3.0f.24
Category Applications
Date 1 decade, 2 years
Size 17.03 MB
Website http://troikatronix.com/isadora/
Sender Citp (zLP0Mg)                
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Post Description

Isadora is the award winning, interactive media presentation tool that allows you to follow your artistic impulse. Whether you are an artist, designer, performer, or VJ, you can quickly and easily harness the limitless potential of digital media and real-time interactivity with Isadora.

General Features

Real time Video Processing Modules
Choose from an incredible selection of video effects modules built into Isadora. Extend your video processing possibilities with our free FreeFrame video plugins. Or, add the optional Core Video upgrade (Mac OS X only) and your Quartz Composer patches instantly become Isadora modules.

Online Tutorials
Our ten online video tutorials will quickly allow you to use the program effectively

A Manual That’s Actually Useful
Our manual provides a comprehensive look into every aspect of the program, including tips on making the most of your machine

Control Panels
Create your own, custom user interface, including Dials, Radio Buttons, Sliders, and more. You can even use your own graphics to customize the look of the various controls.

Custom User Actors
Group together several modules into a single unit to be saved for use in other patches or shared with other users.

Snapshot Feature
Store and instantly recall every setting within a patch; invaluable for VJs.

NOTE: For obvious reasons you should always make sure that
the title is restricted access to internet by a firewall
to avoid any problems. Further, when running
keygens/patches you might need to run it with admin
rights while in Vista/Win7 to ensure that it has
enough privileges.

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