<< WinPh The Foreplay Game v1 0 1 Android
The Foreplay Game v1 0 1 Android
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Category Games
PlatformWindows Phone
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 2.18 MB
Website http://www.rhgames.com/en/android/games/theforeplaygame/
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Post Description

Robotic Hydra The Foreplay Game v1 0 1 Android

The Foreplay Game is an erotic game for couples or up to 6 players. The aim is to make foreplay even more exciting.

How you play
2 - 6 people and one Android phone is needed. You enter the players names. Set gender and sexuality. Select items to use. And then you play. The game gives the players guestions to answer or tasks to perform.

- 510 Questions
- 95 Tasks
- 2 - 6 Players
- Full support for gender and sexuality!

Demo Features
- 100 questions and 30 tasks otherwise the same.

Gender Support
As you may have noticed the male and the female bodies are slightly different. Therefore some questions and tasks are only available for a specific gender.

Sexuality Support
For games with more than two players The Foreplay Game gives full support for gender and sexuality. In practice this means for example that two heterosexual males do not have to do anything on each other. This enables many interesting combinations.

Game Examples
- Two hetero couples
- One hetero guy, two bi girls
- Two bi guys, two bi girls
- Two hetero guys, one hetero girl, two bi girls

Some tasks require an specific item. These cards are only available if you turn on that item.


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