<< WIN Lynda.com Photoshop.CS5 for Photographers Camera Raw.6
Lynda.com Photoshop.CS5 for Photographers Camera Raw.6
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Course name: Photoshop CS5 for Photographers: Camera Raw 6

Author: Chris Orwig

Duration (hr:min): 06:28
Released on: 5/24/2010
Exercise files: Yes
Software works on: Mac and Windows

In Photoshop CS5 for Photographers: Camera Raw 6, Chris Orwig provides in-depth training on Camera Raw 6, the CS5 component that enables photographers to open and manipulate images in non-destructive and now even more efficient ways. This course covers the benefits of the raw processing, which makes it possible to more precisely control an image"s appearance&#151;exposure, shadow and highlight detail, color balance, sharpness, and more&#151;including new workflow procedures and technical concepts and issues. Learn the entire Camera Raw workflow, from opening and resizing, toning and cropping, to sharpening and saving. Exercise files are included with the course.
Topics include:

* Comparing Camera Raw and Photoshop
* Understanding the differences between raw and JPEG or TIFF
* Converting to the DNG format
* Opening an image as a Smart Object
* Working with the Crop and Straighten tools
* Color correcting
* Retouching blemishes
* Reducing exposure with the Graduated Filter tool
* Reducing noise and sharpening
* Creative editing in Camera Raw

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