<< WinPh Musical Pro v5 5 3 AnDrOiD
Musical Pro v5 5 3 AnDrOiD
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Category Applications
PlatformWindows Phone
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 593 KB
Website http://www.androidmusical.com/
Sender blg
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Post Description

Musical Pro v5 5 3 AnDrOiD

Musical Pro for Android is a pocket toolkit for musicians, songwriters, singers, recording artists, and people who just love music.
? Metronome
? 40-200BPM metronome
? Time signatures/subdivisions
? Animated metronome graphic
? Run metronome in background
? Pitch Pipe
? C to C
? Piano & Keyboard
? Scrolling grand piano
? 2-octave stacked pianos
? 128 General MIDI instruments
? Drums
? Basic 8-piece drum kit
? Piano Practice Mode
? Play-along piano learning game
? Auto-accompaniment
? Piano scrolls to correct octaves
? Over 20 included songs!
? Supports any MIDI file
? Recording
? Record the piano & keyboard
? Export/save as MIDI
? Set as ringtone
? Send (email, bluetooth, etc)
? Wireless MIDI
? Piano & keyboard
? Wireless MIDI input device
? Supports Windows/Mac/Linux
? Requires free desktop software
? Multitouch


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