<< WinPh Snipe v1.9 AnDrOiD
Snipe v1.9 AnDrOiD
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Category Games
PlatformWindows Phone
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 5.26 MB
Website http://www.androlib.com/android.application.com-roboconn-snipepro-qtqjE.aspx
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Post Description

Snipe v1.9 AnDrOiD

Snipe is a highly interactive and customizable shooting game with dozens of weapons and upgrades. Single and Multiplayer modes allow you to play on a plane, or against your friends on Facebook. Compare your stats, earn money, and have fun!

Recent changes:
-Training now drastically improves your ability to kill.
-New Level, The Rooftop (Requires rank of Master Sgt.)
-Tweaked aiming controls and multitouch.
-Added the ability to install to SD card.


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