<< WIN Alchemy Mindworks The Ultimate Screen Clock v2.0a40
Alchemy Mindworks The Ultimate Screen Clock v2.0a40
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Category Applications
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 14.31 MB
Website http://www.mindworkshop.com/
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voor de liefhebbers van submarine clocks & calendars op bureaublad :)

Alchemy Mindworks The Ultimate Screen Clock v2.0a40

Integrate a sophisticated digital or analog clock with your Windows desktop, schedule reminders and other tasks up to a century in advance, keep your system clock accurate with an Internet atomic time server and display your clock as a Windows screen saver.

Among its many talents, AMI Ultimate Screen Clock sounds nautical watch bells, tells you the time with an authentic cold-war era Soviet submarine clock, plays your favorite tunes every day just after lunch, blanks your screen with an orbiting digital clock made of neon tubes and much more.

For Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7.

Thanks to C.R.U.D.E team :)


niet zelf getest ! lees de NFO ! zou alles bij zitten ;)

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