<< MP3 Redd Foxx - Sly sex
Redd Foxx - Sly sex
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Category Sound
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 42.13 MB
Website http://www.answers.com/topic/redd-foxx
Sender FlipuitTiel
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Post Description

Redd Foxx was conceived in Chicago and delivered laughing in St. Louis, and shaped his comedic style in a boarding school in Milwaukee. He became the clown of the class at Carter Elementary School in Chicago. He lived by his wits on the streets of New York City. FOXX made his mark in the TV smash Sanford and Son (1972&#150;77) after many years of odd jobs and short stretches on the night club circuit, including a kitchen job with Malcolm Little who would later be known as Malcolm X. Foxx hit it big in Las Vegas in 1968, but didn't make the celluloid jump until the 1970 film Cotton Comes to Harlem. The role brought him to the attention of producers Bud Yorkin and Norman Lear who decided to cast Foxx in Sanford and Son, his first major success. The show was followed by others, including The Redd Foxx Comedy Hour (1977&#150;78) and the Redd Foxx Show (1986). He later co-edited The Redd Foxx Encyclopedia of Black Humor (1977).

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