<< MAC Renewed Vision ProPresenter v4 2 4 4665 MacOSX (2011) -TuShengPeng
Renewed Vision ProPresenter v4 2 4 4665 MacOSX (2011) -TuShengPeng
Category Applications
GenreMedia players
Date 1 decade, 3 years
Size 25.53 MB
Website http://www.renewedvision.com/
Sender TuShengPengMan (jTsBPA)                
Tag TuShengPengMan        
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Post Description

¦     ProPresenter is a lyric and media presentation package built from     ¦¦
¦ the ground up to help make powerful worship productions easy. ¦¦
¦ Taking full advantage of the latest technologies, ProPresenter ¦¦
¦ allows an operator to control a presentation on one screen, while ¦¦
¦ dynamically affecting the visuals and lyrics experienced by an ¦¦
¦ audience on one or more screens. Used by ministries all over the ¦¦
¦ world for years, we have taken our valued users' feedback to ¦¦
¦ create ProPresenter version 4. Boasting over 100 new features, it ¦¦
¦ is our most expansive upgrade to date. We invite you to explore ¦¦
¦ our compelling solution by clicking on the features at the left, ¦¦
¦ or watching the product videos and tutorials above. ¦¦

--||* Nu eens wat voor de Mac people.. *||--

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- Keygenerators/patches etc. kunnen virusscanners op hol laten slaan, is vals alarm.
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Veel plezier,

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