<< WinPh SlideIT Keyboard v3.0 - Android
SlideIT Keyboard v3.0 - Android
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Category Applications
PlatformWindows Phone
GenreSystem software
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 390 KB
Website http://www.androidzoom.com/android_applications/tools/slideit-keyboard_fewb.html
Sender Honnes
Tag AndroidHonnes        
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Post Description

Requirements: all Android versions
Overview: SlideIT keyboard is a revolutionary way to enter text quickly and easily. Instead of entering text by tapping on letters, SlideIT keyboard eases texting by allowing the user to slide a finger along the letters, while the words &#147;magically&#148; appear on the screen.

SlideIT keyboard is an excellent tool for entering text, enabling users to dramatically improve writing speed with a quick learning curve. Writing efficiency is further enhanced with SlideIT keyboard smart predictive texting and disambiguation capabilities.

SlideIT Keyboard Support more than 31 Languages!

Users: << Best keyboard around. A must for the android. It is the best app that I've bought. >>

Recent changes:
=== SlideIT keyboard full version 3.0 ===

&#149;On-the-fly suggestions
&#149;Tapping Followed by Sliding
&#149;Long Press for Single Number or Symbol on Main Layout
&#149;Hide keyboard form Return key
&#149;Emotion Layout
&#149;Special characters diacritics modes(for SMS)
&#149;New Shortcuts modes
&#149;New definitions for Automatic Spacing
&#149;New definitions for Automatic Capitalization
&#149;Increase Accuracy & Performance

And more a lot of new feaures & Bug fixed.

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