<< HD Oth Surviving the Cut S01E05: Navy EOD Final Certification *1080i*
Surviving the Cut S01E05: Navy EOD Final Certification *1080i*
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Category Image
FormatHD other
LanguageNo subtitles
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 5.19 GB
Website http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surviving_the_Cut
Sender Struikrover09
Tag struikrover09documentaire        
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Post Description

For special operations, Navy Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) technicians are the only qualified explosives and bomb specialists. They must go through one final test before a Navy EOD team can go to war with Special Forces. Like the job itself, it is all training, a five-day, non-stop series of high stress missions. Make the incorrect move, allow tiredness or distraction to conquest and the entire team will fail. The team that survives the cut stays jointly as a certified special ops team.

1080i / DD5.1

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