<< WinPh Attack from the Dead v1.4.1 Iphone
Attack from the Dead v1.4.1 Iphone
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Category Games
PlatformWindows Phone
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 11.11 MB
Website https://nzbindex.nl/search/?q=Attack+from+the+Dead+v1.4.1+Iphone
Sender KiddMorbid
Tag kiddmorbid        
Searchengine Search
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Post Description

Attack From the Dead is the third-person shooter. The history of it starts when U.S. forces received an SOS from other Anderson, a military researcher biochemical laboratory, living in a remote town called "City of Dark Eagle". Military send 3 special agent with a mission to locate and rescue the scientist. After searching all over the city these 3 agents were unable to locate any people, including Anderson et al. In a day when when the dusk, the tranquility of the city was disrupted frightening sound of death. Hordes of zombies out of nowhere suddenly attacked the agents. Two were killed. A third agent - "Jessica" was supposed to finish the task yourself. Your mission is to help Jessica to fight zombies, save, etc. Anderson and return to the destination before sunrise.
Added support GameCenter.

Requires firmware is not lower than 3.0

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