<< WinPh Epic Truck v1 2 1 AnDrOiD
Epic Truck v1 2 1 AnDrOiD
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Category Games
PlatformWindows Phone
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 10.1 MB
Website http://www.sealiongames.com/wp/for-android/epic-truck-for-android/
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Post Description

Epic Truck v1 2 1 AnDrOiD

With great physics, awesome shocks and crazy impacts, Epic Truck features off-road action along the scenic and dangerous Desert Ridge.

&#149;GAS- touch right side for gas, down for speed
&#149;BRAKE- touch left side for brake
&#149;REVERSE- hold brake to back up
&#149;TILT- Tilting the screen Left/Right makes the truck lean Forward/Back. Tilt works in the air and affects grip

Recent changes:
now using OpenGL ES 2.0

Samsung Galaxy S and its variations like Samsung Captivate, Samsung Fascinate, and Samsung Epic4G require Android 2.2


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