<< WIN Screamer 2 GOG
Screamer 2 GOG
Category Games
Date 1 decade, 1 year
Size 788.55 MB
Website http://www.nzbindex.nl/release/84438964/Screamer-2-GOG-0060-Screamer-2-January-1-1996.nzb
Sender h4d3z (jvmuJg)                
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Post Description

What's cool about it:

Six winding, wildly dangerous tracks with varying levels of difficulty, terrain, driving conditions and configurations.
Power to customize up to 20 high performance race cars means you can check yourself before you wreck yourself.
Incredible physics for real-time jumping, turning, spinning, and twisting.


Howl like a banshee down twisting, turning tracks from icy Scandinavian glacial death traps to treacherous mountain courses and blazing Egyptian desert spinouts. Realistic car physics mean you feel every inch of the road, every ounce of centrifugal force, and every bug dumb enough to get in your way.

Don't bother to buckle up. When you're flying behind the wheel of your customized super-fast high performance car, whiplash is the least of your worries. Don't feel ashamed if you let loose with a scream every once in awhile...

Dit is spot van 362 dagen oud
poster : idontgiveafuck
werkt oa op win 8.1 x64

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