<< WIN Windows 11 [23H2] NL Freelance
Windows 11 [23H2] NL Freelance
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Category Applications
GenreSystem software
Date 3 months, 2 weeks
Size 7.57 GB
Website https://spot-net.nl/forums/viewtopic.php?p=68645#p68645
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Je krijgt de melding dat je een spot niet kan openen dit ligt uit bronnen weliswaar bij:
Spots met veel tekens gaan niet open, zoals de spots van Freelance.
Headers worden afgekapt, NIET alle Bytes komen binnen met als gevolg:
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Let op! het kan zijn dat dat je spotnet versie / V2.0.0.244 of hoger moet hebben om hem te kunnen openen.

Microsoft Windows 11 [23h2] 22631.4460 Officiele MVS Consumer & Business ISOs (nl-NL)

Bron ISO (Meegepost):
Name: nl-nl_windows_11_consumer_editions_version_23h2_updated_nov_2024_x64_dvd_212bfc41.iso
Size: 7076790272 bytes (6748 MiB)
CRC32: 728E62B0
SHA256: 0ac7187b13bf2d29fc657f9dd1552ea985a183d6ee42eba871e180dc070ecd38
SHA1: 9c4dd232986a08eaa277fd41a33ac4e39d36819a
BLAKE2sp: 5994503232262ec5025e18fc7d549e32117ff3c2e09ecf3f45dad5b75ea47fa8
XXH64: 126D68F9E2448853

Inhoud Consumer ISO:
[01] 08/11/2024 nl-NL x64 10.0.22621.4460 Windows 11 Home | Core
[02] 08/11/2024 nl-NL x64 10.0.22621.4460 Windows 11 Home N | CoreN
[03] 08/11/2024 nl-NL x64 10.0.22621.4460 Windows 11 Education | Education
[04] 08/11/2024 nl-NL x64 10.0.22621.4460 Windows 11 Education N | EducationN
[05] 08/11/2024 nl-NL x64 10.0.22621.4460 Windows 11 Pro | Professional
[06] 08/11/2024 nl-NL x64 10.0.22621.4460 Windows 11 Pro N | ProfessionalN
[07] 08/11/2024 nl-NL x64 10.0.22621.4460 Windows 11 Pro Education | ProfessionalEducation
[08] 08/11/2024 nl-NL x64 10.0.22621.4460 Windows 11 Pro Education N | ProfessionalEducationN
[09] 08/11/2024 nl-NL x64 10.0.22621.4460 Windows 11 Pro for Workstations | ProfessionalWorkstation
[10] 08/11/2024 nl-NL x64 10.0.22621.4460 Windows 11 Pro N for Workstations | ProfessionalWorkstationN

Inhoud Business ISO:
[01] 08/11/2024 nl-NL x64 10.0.22621.4460 Windows 11 Education | Education
[02] 08/11/2024 nl-NL x64 10.0.22621.4460 Windows 11 Education N | EducationN
[03] 08/11/2024 nl-NL x64 10.0.22621.4460 Windows 11 Enterprise | Enterprise
[04] 08/11/2024 nl-NL x64 10.0.22621.4460 Windows 11 Enterprise N | EnterpriseN
[05] 08/11/2024 nl-NL x64 10.0.22621.4460 Windows 11 Pro | Professional
[06] 08/11/2024 nl-NL x64 10.0.22621.4460 Windows 11 Pro N | ProfessionalN
[07] 08/11/2024 nl-NL x64 10.0.22621.4460 Windows 11 Pro Education | ProfessionalEducation
[08] 08/11/2024 nl-NL x64 10.0.22621.4460 Windows 11 Pro Education N | ProfessionalEducationN
[09] 08/11/2024 nl-NL x64 10.0.22621.4460 Windows 11 Pro for Workstations | ProfessionalWorkstation
[10] 08/11/2024 nl-NL x64 10.0.22621.4460 Windows 11 Pro N for Workstations | ProfessionalWorkstationN

SVFSFX + Checksums:
9c4dd232986a08eaa277fd41a33ac4e39d36819a *nl-nl_windows_11_consumer_editions_version_23h2_updated_nov_2024_x64_dvd_212bfc41.iso
90b4b96bc7293ea1b2c3376d0708c2e8147b6264 *nl-nl_windows_11_business_editions_version_23h2_updated_nov_2024_x64_dvd_636a5b22.iso
72ed45d1069beeb20fdc8aa8c9783071b065ff7e *nl-nl_windows_11_business_editions_version_23h2_updated_nov_2024_x64_dvd_636a5b22.exe


-=iNS0MNiA Releases=-
Team: BrainWarez

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