<< NDS Super Mario Bros. 2 + 3 NDS USA
Super Mario Bros. 2 + 3 NDS USA
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Category Games
PlatformNintendo DS
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 356 KB
Website https://nzbindex.nl/search/?q=Super+Mario+Bros.+2+%2B+3+NDS+USA
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Post Description

SMB2 is a redesign of ''Dream Factory: Heart-Pounding Panic'' - a game that was only released in Japan. It had many new features and new playable characters however it didn't become as popular as SMB mainly due to It's gameplay changes.

SMB3 is similar to SMB and SMB2 but introduce new abilities for M and Luigi in the form of ''suits'' that, for example, allow M to fly for a short period of time. In terms of sells It greatly surpases SMB2.

Dit zijn de originele spellen dmv ingebouwde emulator te spelen.
Dus gewoon op je kaartje zetten en spelen zonder iets te installeren.

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