<< WIN Revolution Under Siege *2010*
Revolution Under Siege *2010*
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Category Games
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 982.87 MB
Website http://www.revolutionundersiege.com/revolution/index.html
Sender Bombvis
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Post Description

From Warsaw to Vladivostok
Play the greatest civil war
of all times !

Will the Proletarian Revolution triumph against reactionary forces ? Or will you crush the Bolsheviks and save the Czar ?

1917. Red October. The Russian Revolution explodes and will change History forever ! But the birth of the Soviet Regime is not exactly painless, while its enemies triy by all means to destroy it in an amazing struggle : while the Reds stand in Central Russia, the Whites attack from all directions.

The first PC historical simulation on the Russian Revolution.

Made by a passionate team that have already worked on Ageod's American Civil War, Revolution Under Siege proposes to play one of the bloodiest and most hectic period in History.

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