<< Wii NewU Fitness First Mind Body Yoga & Pilates Workout (2010) Ntsc
NewU Fitness First Mind Body Yoga & Pilates Workout (2010) Ntsc
This spot is not verified, the name of the sender has not been confirmed
Category Games
PlatformNintento Wii
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 4.8 GB
Website http://uk.wii.ign.com/objects/069/069125.html
Sender Bomberman
Searchengine Search
Number of spamreports 1

Post Description

NewU Mind Body Yoga & Pilates Workout combines two of the most popular and rewarding fitness methods in one exercise program in order to help meet your specific exercise goals. Whether it?s trimming up your waistline, developing your body strength, improving your posture or overall fitness, NewU Mind Body Yoga & Pilates Workout takes your specific fitness goals in mind and customizes a set of exercises specifically to target your needs. With over 115 different exercises demonstrated and led by live action videos of real fitness trainers, NewU Mind Body Yoga & Pilates Workout brings you the intense yoga & pilates training you?d expect from a serious exercise program complemented by real-time feedback and precise motion tracking utilizing Wii MotionPlus.

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