<< MP3 Art Blakey The Jazz Messengers - The Quintessence (New York Paris 1947-1959)-2011-2CD-Bandulu
Art Blakey The Jazz Messengers - The Quintessence (New York Paris 1947-1959)-2011-2CD-Bandulu
Category Sound
Date 1 decade, 2 years
Size 214.64 MB
Website http://www.amazon.co.uk/Quintessence-Blakey-Messengers-Paris-1947-1959/dp/B005ZHCNSU
Sender BanDulu1 (0AlqIA)                
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Post Description

Bandulu presents:

Artist : Art Blakey The Jazz Messengers
Album : The Quintessence (New York Paris 1947-1959)
Year : 2011
Label :
Source : CD
Genre : Jazz
Quality : 209kbps / 4410kHz / Joint Stereo
Songs : 19
Time : 02:26:10
Size : 214.60 MB

Disc 1/2
01. 3:09 Bop Alley
02. 6:46 Doodlin
03. 4:19 The Preacher
04. 8:40 Prince Albert
05.11:51 Nicas Dream
06.12:55 A Night in Tunisia
07. 8:15 I Mean You
08. 6:13 Along Came Betty
09. 7:35 The Drum Thunder Suite
10. 2:27 Juste Pour Eux Seuls
11. 0:20 Poursuite Dans La Ruelle

Disc 2/2
01. 4:22 Blues Pour Marcel
02. 7:07 Whisper Not
03.11:20 Blues March for Europe
04.14:17 Moanin with Hazel
05. 7:39 Justice
06. 7:00 Prelude in Blue
07.10:17 Lester Left Town
08.11:38 Bouncing with Bud

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