<< WIN MEDIARevolution v3 5 2 (2011) -TUSheNgPENg
MEDIARevolution v3 5 2 (2011) -TUSheNgPENg
Category Applications
GenreMedia players
Date 1 decade, 3 years
Size 19.08 MB
Website http://www.in-mediakg.com/software/mediarevolution/mediarevolution.shtml
Sender TuShengPengMan (jTsBPA)                
Tag TuShengPengMan        
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Post Description

MEDIARevolution - A Player for everything, perfect for massive mediacollections! 

By it's enormous function range and the support of numerous media formats MEDIARevolution is the only Player you really need on your PC! Apart from playing video and audio files as well as DVD's, you get a complete media administration and a digital video recorder. The product rounds useful aid flax for the daily work to an almost inexhaustible Multimedia component system off. Nevertheless it requires only a comparatively small memory and processor extent of utilization.

MEDIARevolution is the All-In-One Solution of a Multimedia Player!

A Player for everything, a central administration of your media on your PC and everything only to one click far away. Get along on your PC again!

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