<< WinPh [ROM.ANDROID] Darky''s v5.6 Gingerbread Edition * Galaxy S Froyo Mod *
[ROM.ANDROID] Darky''s v5.6 Gingerbread Edition * Galaxy S Froyo Mod *
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Category Applications
PlatformWindows Phone
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 196.45 MB
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Post Description

[ROM] Darky's v5.6 Gingerbread Edition * Galaxy S Froyo Mod * ( Based on I9000XXJPU )

[/b]** This ROM will make your Samsung Galaxy S blazing fast, and add a ton of features which greatly extend the capabilities of your phone **[/b]


// Fastest Froyo ROM ever with Gingerbread Look //
Based on XXJPU
Integrated Voodoo [v5.0.2 JPU] Kernel (Support for i9000T)
- Integrated ClockworkMod [CWM]
- Converts all partitons toEXT4
-Startup Tweaks
- 339MB RAM
Integrated Support for a Custom Boot Animation
- Pre-installed "BIOS" Boot Animation
- Integrated Backlight Notifications [BLN] Will come later.
Biggest APN file for instant internet / MMS access
Stock AOSP Lockscreen [by jim_panse]
Recovery 2e to flash unsigned update.zip's like CWM
Updated Apps [Flash Player, Maps, Gmail, YouTube]
YouTube 'GingerBread' Version
Tweaked Settings [Themed]
Tweaked 'build.prop'
- Fingerprint for Market changed to show all protected apps
3 awesome (Homescreens) Launchers
- 3D Gingerbread Launcher [by eugene_373]
- TouchWiz Froyo
- LauncherPro [Gingerbread Themed]
Modded System Apps:
- Camera with Power-Button Mapping [by fr4gg0r]
- Black Themed Phone App - no more ascending ringtone [by YG007]
- Gallery3D // modded [using way less battery than Samsung's one]
Useful apps added & updated
- SuperUser
- Spare Parts
- SGS Tools
- SGS Toolbox
- SGS Info
3 Keyboards
- Samsung Stock 2.2.1 Keyboard
- Latest Swype Keyboard
- Android 2.3 Gingerbread Keyboard [best multi-touch] [by Daneshm90]
Many languages supported, QWERTZ + QWERTY.
Various features
- Fixed signal bars for better reception
- Advanced Shutdown / Power Menu [Now with Reboot,Recovery & Download[br]Android 2.3 Gingerbread Look
High Quality Gingerbread Experience [redesigned in v5.6!] // Modified by me (thanks to jim_panse, gtg465x, scheichuwe, vukandric, dwillMuffc and more!)
- Redesigned Notification Bar
- Sleek Custom Wallpapers
- Some Apps have been themed like Gingerbread
New "Design Content" [icons & docks] on your internal SD-Card to customize your phone even further.
- Windows Phone 7 High Quality Icons
- New professional wallpaper
- Original Nexus S Ringtones
- Original Nexus S Boot Animation [completely smooth]
A lot more I forgot to write here

Deze rom is zo ziek snel, dat iedereen hem zou moeten installeren.
Draai hem nu een week ongeveer.
Hij bevalt erg goed =)

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