<< DivX Hanimin Ciftligi 38
Hanimin Ciftligi 38
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LanguageNo subtitles
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 161.11 MB
Website http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1592293/
Sender Illusioncu
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Post Description

The plot sets around a poor worker girl named Güllü. She works in a factory and is constantly abused by her father and older brother. She is in love with a man named Kemal, a factory worker as well, and they wish to get married but her father won't let her because he wants her to marry Ramazan, the nephew of the factory owner. As the story develops Kemal and Güllü plan to run away together but are stopped by her older brother who comes after them with a gun. Kemal manages to take the gun from Güllüs brother and shoot him but is arrested by the police for doing this. As Kemal ends up in prison, Güllü is beaten worse than before for refusing to marry Ramazan. Her mother can't stand to see her daughter be abused like this and goes to the prison to persuade Kemal to tell Güllü he doesn't love her anymore, so she will marry Ramazan. After hearing about the continuing abuse, Kemal agrees to do this and sends Güllü a letter telling her to do what her father says. Güllü feels she has nothing to live for anymore and finally agrees to marry Ramazan. As Ramazan takes Güllü to his uncles farm to marry her there, his uncle spots her and falls madly in love with her. Güllü who absolutely resents Ramazan, agrees to marry his uncle Muzaffer instead even though she doesn't love him. Muzaffer is the factory owner and is extremely wealthy compared to most of the town. As their marriage evolves Güllü starts to fall in love with Muzaffer and they become very happy together. In the later episodes, while Güllü is pregnant, Muzaffer get's killed and Güllü is left to run the factory and farm all by herself. Her father and brother still try to interfere with her life but being wealthier and more powerful, she doesn't let them.

The other factory workers are working twelve hours a day and aren't getting paid for some of them and since Güllü knows what they're going through, having been a worker herself, they ask her to improve their conditions.

As the story develops, Güllü tryes to make some changes in the factory, deal with her family and find out who murdered her husband. The police then find out that the killer is Güllü's brother, Hamza. Knowing that Hamza cannot plot such thing on his own, the police question him to find out who forced him into killing Muzaffer. After many hours of questioning, Hamza admits that Zekai, the man who manages Muzaffer's factory is the killer. Zekai cannot bear the environment of the prison and hangs himself while he is in the prison. In the meanwhile, Muzaffer's sister, Halide, and his nephew Ramazan try to get their share of lands and money from Muzaffer's will, and Güllü is taken to hospital to give birth to Muzaffer's child.

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