<< WIN SimCity Societies Deluxe
SimCity Societies Deluxe
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Category Games
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 3.28 GB
Website http://simcitysocieties.ea.com/aboutdeluxe.php
Sender Bombvis
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Post Description

Sim City Societies Deluxe includes Sim City Societies and Sim City 

SimCity Societies

Featuring an all-new, revolutionary feature set, SimCity Societies allows
you to create your own kinds of cities and shape their cultures and
environments. Make your cities green or polluted, contemporary or
futuristic, rural or urban. Create an artistic society or a police state,
an industrial city or a spiritual communityùor any society you want!

SimCity Destinations

SimCity Societies Destinations enhances the SimCity Societies experience by
providing all the tools you need to create an entire city or town based on
attractions and amenities that visitors enjoy. With an enhanced map
generator, players can identify each cityÆs opportunity for diversion and
the city can capitalise on that draw. From sprawling theme parks and
tropical beach resorts to country hiking trails, players can control more
than 100 new buildings to create their customised destination.

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