After a number of software installations and un-installations, the registry becomes full of nagging file references pointing to where the files used to reside but no longer exist. Registry First Aid will find any files and folders that may have been moved on your hard drive and help you correct the registry entries that point to them. Registry First Aid scans the registry for orphan file/folder references, invalid font references, obsolete Start Menu items, invalid fonts, shared DLLs, application paths and more... New in version 8.2.0 + show number of avaialable suggested corrections if one or more found for each error entry; + icon for shortcut folder in Start Menu; + icon added to "open in RegEdit" menu for Registry Manage; + option to restore default Excluded Paths to Scan for Corrections in settings; + new dialog to enter or edit excluded registry keys; + show number of excluded items near every category in Excluded Registry Keys; + show affected category excluded lists in confirmation dialog on adding excluded entries from the list of found errors; + quick jump to an entry in the list of found errors on starting type key name/value/invalid string; - RFA agent bug fixed - it may appear that the last registry scan date is not correct; + Registry Manage "Open with.." plugin: read module descriptions from resource strings; - Registry Manage bug fixed - only BHO plugins with not empty ProdID were listed; + Registry Manage: quick jump to an entry in the list of found errors on typing item name; - Registry Manage: some longstrings were truncated in the list; + Registry Manage: plugin BHO - read wow6432node key; + Restore Full Backups: option to select and delete several backups at once; + Restore Full Backup: show backup folder size under the backup list; - Ik post wat ik leuk, vreemd, irritant, interessant, uitzonderlijk, grappig of nuttig vind. - Problemen met mijn manier van posten/taggen/naam/etc? > Negeer mijn posts. - Lees ALTIJD het *.nfo bestand vóór installatie. - Keygenerators/patches/cracks etc. kunnen virusscanners op hol laten slaan, is vals alarm. - Toch twijfels? > Installeer dan niet. - Vragen? > Google gebruiken! - Een berichtje posten wordt op prijs gesteld. Veel plezier, BanDulu1
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