Last night I saw Fight Quest boxing. I now have a greater appreciation for the discipline, not necessarily the sport, but the discipline and the techniques and the process of actually becoming a great boxer.<br /><br />those combinations they had jimmy throwing looked really good and all those nuances like just merely twisting your ankle instead of actually stepping when you throw a hook or an uppercut.<br /><br />the bobbing and weaving looks pretty dope. it is a science, thought not a particularly exciting sport to me still.<br /><br />I think what was great was that they profiled Mexican boxing instead of American boxing. Mexican boxers tend to be alot smaller, more energetic and focus on the technical side rather than on using their physical strength.<br /><br />I'm mexican and I've long been decrying to all my friends how Mexico is still stuck with cheapy boxing and lucha libre: but now I can see the actual value of boxing from this show.<br /><br />my favorite part of the show was when one of the boxers was about to spar with Jimmy, and the boxer says to jimmy: "Jimmy don't kick me."<br /><br />I coulda swore I thought jimmy or the other guy was about to knee his sparring partner when they clinched, instincts from MMA.<br /><br />Dit is E04<br />Is bij mij efe wat verwarring over de echt volgorde aangezien ik alles vanaf meerdere bronnen heb.<br />Omdat het gewoon niet compleet via nieuwsgroepen te krijgen was <br />Deze is ook een 1GB file dus echt HD en niet verkleind door eerdere mensen !<br /><br />Have fun!<br /><br />
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