Have you ever dreamt about working on the apron and stepping into the shoes of a flight controller to manage the schedule of an international airport? Then it's time you tried the "Airport-Tower-Simulator 2012" by Astragon. Be the one to take over the responsibility in the tower and coordinate the taking off and landing of the aircrafts. Not only are you responsible for their flight schedule, but you also have to assign them to the runway or terminal. During your work, be as efficient as possible and use your instruments - such as radar - to guarantee a flawless clearance. It's only the short waiting periods on ground and the save handling of your maneuvers that will bring you the points you need. Next to fulfilling your missions thoroughly, you can also enjoy the view from the tower: here you can observe a variety of detailed and animated aircraft-types, which you can watch from near or afar. Moreover, you have the possibility to tune in into the pilots' cockpits. But watch out! The longer you play, the higher the traffic and the more challenging your missions. In case of airplane collisions on ground, or if your airplane gets out of fuel and needs to make an emergency landing, your career will be over immediately! But don't worry - thanks to a save mode you can restart your missions any time you want. "Airport-Tower Simulator 2012" will amaze you with its 3D-graphics as well as a realistic day-night-shift. Next to preinstalled sceneries, you can create your own airports and missions and even trade them with other players with the airport-editor. Features: Being a flight controller, you cancoordinate the air- and ground-traffic of a huge international airport Operate realistic instruments such as the radar or a 3D tower perspective including binoculars Watch the airplanes take off, land and taxi Have a look into the cockpits Many detailed and animated aircraft-types Free play with increasing level of difficulty Editor to create your own airports and sceneries, which can be traded with other players - Ik post wat ik leuk, vreemd, irritant, interessant, uitzonderlijk, grappig of nuttig vind. - Lees ALTIJD het *.nfo bestand VÓÓR installatie. - Keygenerators/patches/cracks etc. kunnen VIRUSSCANNERS op hol laten slaan, is vals alarm. - Twijfels? > INSTALLEER NIET! en koop een legale versie...of download niet meer van UseNet.... - Problemen met mijn manier van posten/taggen/naam/etc? > Negeer mijn posts. - Een berichtje posten wordt op prijs gesteld. Vragen? > Google gebruiken! Veel plezier, BanDulu1
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