Airbus X v1.22 Aerosoft FSX The Aerosoft Airbus X is a high definition rendering of this venerable aircraft for FSX. Created with help from many Airbus pilots and Air Berlin it is what Aerosoft believes an airliner in FSX should be. Directly aimed at the user who likes to fly and not to spend too much time on configuration and pre-flight checks but who does not want to compromise on the modelling and features, this aircraft will appeal to a large group of flight simmers. The fully functional Virtual Cockpit puts the user in a fully immersive environment where detailed animations (all with sound effects) and a high level of detailed modelling show the level of details that separate FSX from FS2004. All the displays are detailed and easy to read, even at lower resolutions and show how most A320/A321's are now leaving the factory. While leaving out the most complex (and least used) functions of the computer systems, the actual operation of the aircraft is highly accurate and as easy and logical as Airbus designs its aircraft. The displays will automatically show you the information you most need at any given moment. The Fly-By-Wire flight model is totally reliable and extremely close to the actual aircraft. Where older aircraft use conventional throttles, the Airbus has a realistic FADEC system that means you almost never have to touch the throttle after you started your take-off run. The external model is highly detailed and very smooth. All cabin and freight doors can be operated and show the interior of the aircraft. Animation of the flight control surfaces is accurateboth in timing and movements. Features: .Manuals/Documentation: Normal Checklist, PF/PNF Procedure guide, Systems Manual, Normal Procedures Manual. Over 120 pages (available in formats for smart phones and iPad), available in English, Dutch and Russian. .Extensive animations: sunshades, standby compass, APU door, pullout tables, observer seat, windows, windshield wipers (individual on both sides, two speed), passenger and cargo doors, landing lights, wind milling engines (depending on wind direction and strength), Ground Power Unit (will power the aircraft), traffic cones, chocks (will act as parking brakes), Custom coded Spoiler/speed brake animation. All animations come with sound effects. Of course all the standard things like gears and flight control surfaces are animated. .Load/Save aircraft state module: easy to use module that saves all aircraft settings, includes presets for cold & dark, taxi, takeoff, cruise. .Compatibility: comes prepared for AES, uses default FSX standards wherever possible to stay compatible with other add-ons and hardware. Note: throttle is read from DirectX, bypasses FSX completely, to avoid FSX related problems. .Models / Engines / Liveries: A320 with IAE and CFM engine, A321 with IAE and CFM engine, (systems based on IAE standards). Iberia, Niki, BA, US Airways, Air Berlin, Air France, Alitalia and Lufthansa included, dozens of other paints available shortly after release. .Sounds: High definition (FSX standard) sound set, with additionally over 100 sounds for VC. .Installation: Easy installer and no complex DRM schemes or Online installers. .Lighting: Advanced non standard lighting system (landing lights, taxi way turn off lights, nose wheel taxi light, nose wheel take-off light) that actually light up the scenery around the aircraft. .Frame rates: Frame rates are comparable to default FSX airbus (that has 1/5th the polygons and almost no detailed systems). .Paint kit: Available on release, highly advanced. .Extensibility: Very open in design (all systems in XML etc) and Aerosoft invites people to change and extend this product. .Airbus X Connect: Stand alone application .Load manager: Makes it easy to load passengers, cargo and fuel .TakeOff datasheet: Calculates Vspeed and FLEX settings .Flight Following: Use any device with a browser (like Smartphone, iPod etc) so you can go on with your life as the Airbus cruises. Nadere informatie bij :
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