Ultimate Terrain Canada voor FS2004 en ook een aparte voor FSX <br />op verzoek van Webtek<br /><br /><br />Ultimate Terrain Canada/Alaska, is the first product in Scenery Solutions Ultimate Terrain series. Each product in the Ultimate Terrain series includes roads, rails, water, coastlines, detailed ground polygons, landclass enhancements, and those fantastic night lights. <br /><br />The Canada/Alaska product includes then entire portion of Canada containing navigatable roads. It also includes the entire state of Alaska (USA). Because all Ultimate Terrain scenery products are released on FS2004's native LOD5 boundaries, we also include the border regions of the United States to fill out the necessary FS2004 coverage areas.<br />For Canada/Alaska, we base our terrain on not one but two commercially licensed data sources: Navteq and DMTI Spatial. In addition, we have supplied additional water features taken from high-resolution satellite imagery in Alaska.<br /><br /><br />Ultimate Terrain X - Canada DVD Edition for FSX <br />Roads, Rivers, Streams, Bridges, Landclass, Waterclass, and more is packed into Ultimate Terrain X.<br /><br />Highways, Roads, Streets <br />The FSX roads are a big improvement over FS9 (FS2004). However, Ultimate Terrain X takes the roads one step further, by providing all the available road types from the DMTI Spatial commercial data set, instead of just highways and most major roads.<br />The Ultimate Terrain X road textures are also very high resolution, matching the 1 meter landclass textures currently in FSX. Plus, the Ultimate Terrain X road texture types can be custom configured.<br /><br />For many of the roads and highways that crosses a water feature in Ultimate Terrain X, a 3D extrusion bridge is displayed.<br /><br />Shorelines, Coastlines, Rivers, Streams <br />Anyone who is familiar with our Ultimate Terrain product for FS9/FS2004, knows that our products use the absolute premium commercial water data available for each of our product regions. This water data is the most accurate and detailed data available at any cost.<br /><br />In addition to the standard coastline textures in FSX, Ultimate Terrain X takes coastlines to a whole new level, by including higher resolution rocky coastline textures, sandy beaches, concrete piers, freshwater dams, and man-made breakers. The coastline textures blend the edges of the water bodies with the land.<br /><br />Railroads <br />Of course railroads are well covered in Ultimate Terrain X. We improve the look of railroads using higher resolution textures, railroad track encasement textures, railyard ground textures, and tunnel entrances.<br />A 3D bridge object is also placed where many of the railroad tracks cross water.<br /><br />Night Lighting <br />If you purchased our previous Ultimate Terrain products, you know that our night lighting is a unique feature in this hobby.<br /><br />Ultimate Terrain X night lighting consists of points of light that represent things like street lights, intersection lights, and vehicle lights.<br /><br />Ground Textures <br />Ultimate Terrain X includes custom ground textures for specialized areas (note that these are specialized textures and not general texture replacements like our Ground Environment product). These ground textures differ from landclass, because they take on the exact size and shape of the terrain feature in the real world.<br /><br />In FSX, special ground textures are already used for city parks and golf courses, but in addition to the parks and golf courses, Ultimate Terrain X provides many other ground polygon features that are unique to Ultimate Terrain X.<br />
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