In 1983, Ross held a concert in Central Park, the proceeds of which were to go towards building a playground in the singer's name. Fifteen minutes into the concert, which was being filmed for Showtime cable television and televised worldwide, a torrential downpour began. As she urged the crowd of over 800,000 to safely exit the venue, Ross announced that she would continue the performance the next day. Her actions drew praise from the mainstream press. That next day, over 500,000 people came back for one of the largest free concerts in the park's history. However, the second show generated controversy. During and after the concert, groups of young men began a rampage through Central Park, assaulting and robbing more than one hundred people. Some of the victims of the attacks subsequently filed law suits against New York City for failing to provide adequate security at the concert. The suits were eventually settled at a cost of millions of dollars. The funds for the playground were to be derived from sales of different items at the concert, however, any and all profits earned from the first concert were spent on the second. When the mainstream media discovered the exorbitant costs of the two concerts, Diana Ross faced criticism and poor publicity. Although representatives of Diana Ross originally refused to pay anything for the proposed playground, citing a lack of revenue from the concert, the Diana Ross Playground was finally built three years later, with Ross personally paying the $250,000 costs. Spectaculaire beelden van Diana op het podium tijdens de storm de eerste dag. Ik post vaak de wat wat oudere en klassieke films. Soms zorg ikzelf voorde ondertitels en soms gebruik ik ondertitels die door andere vertalers gemaakt zijn. Ik wil dan ook alle vertalers waar ik werk van gebruik, danken voor de moeite. Een bedankje voor deze film is natuurlijk altijd welkom. Posts van mij zijn altijd in DivX en met ingebakken ondertitels. Staat er compleet op. Veel plezier met de film. Opa.
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