Zygor Guides are the #1 best-selling World of Warcraft leveling guides in the world. The team behind the guides includes a staff of experienced gamers, programmers and web designers who unite their talents to bring you, the gamer eager to improve their leveling, the absolute best guides available. Zygor Guides stands in a league of it's own, an innovative trend setter unrivaled in customer service, support and satisfaction.<br /><br />It all began with one man, playing under the name Zygor, who used his knowledge of the game to help others learn their way through the world of Azeroth using e-book guides. Even though these guides were phenomenally well-recieved by gamers, Zygor was determined to improve his guides even more. He was constantly coming up with new ideas to make his guides easier to use and more efficent. Eventually, this led to the first ever in-game leveling guides for both Alliance and Horde using a custom made mod. This set the standard for all guides to come and changed the way people thought about leveling guides entirely.<br /><br />Zygor has since brought together more skilled professionals to help in producing his guides. As a result, Zygor products are always kept up to date without ever sacrificing quality. Zygor Guides has lots of exciting new products in development and will continue to offer new tools in the future to help gamers realize their true gaming potential. <br /><br />Version: 2.0.776<br />Last Updated On:<br /><br />January 19th, 2010<br /><br />Alliance Guides Change Log:<br />* Minor changes to Night Elf 1-13 guide<br />* Minor changes to Gnome 1-13 guide<br />* Minor changes to Draenei 1-13 guide<br />* Level 70-72 Guide - Verified all quest chains were tied together correctly, even "hidden" chains.<br />* Level 72-74 Guide - Verified all quest chains were tied together correctly, even "hidden" chains.<br />* Level 74-76 Guide - Verified all quest chains were tied together correctly, even "hidden" chains.<br />* Level 76-78 Guide - Verified all quest chains were tied together correctly, even "hidden" chains.<br />* Level 78-80 Guide - Verified all quest chains were tied together correctly, even "hidden" chains.<br /><br />Horde Guides Change Log:<br />* Added a missing part of the Arugal's Folly quest<br />* Level 70-72 Guide - Verified all quest chains were tied together correctly, even "hidden" chains.<br />* Level 72-74 Guide - Verified all quest chains were tied together correctly, even "hidden" chains.<br />* Level 74-76 Guide - Verified all quest chains were tied together correctly, even "hidden" chains.<br />* Level 76-78 Guide - Verified all quest chains were tied together correctly, even "hidden" chains.<br />* Level 78-80 Guide - Verified all quest chains were tied together correctly, even "hidden" chains.<br /><br />Guides Viewer Change Log:<br />* Added custom Zygor Waypointer feature - provides waypoint arrow and reveals map<br />* Item icons no longer stay onscreen while mounting/dismounting and on other occasions<br />* Linked many quests together for quest chains<br />* Fix: Chained quests with the same title should not influence each other's goal completion<br /><br />Talent Advisor Change Log:<br />* Players forcing the use of incompatible builds should no longer have impossible over-the-max talents suggested.
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